History of Rugby

History of Rugby

Friday, September 27, 2019

Rugby has been around for a very long time and is cemented as a beloved sport in many countries. Even people who aren’t fans of rugby have at least heard of the All Blacks, the national team for New Zealand, famous for their victories on the pitch as well as their stunning hakas before matches.

Rugby School, located in Rugby, England lent its name to the sport, as it was “pivotal in the development of rugby football”, and the first rules that were established for rugby union football were invented there in 1845. “Rugby rules appeared in North America before the 1870s and were used in a famous game between McGill University of Montreal and Harvard University of Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1874.” Football as we know it today actually grew out of modifying rugby rules in the United States and in Canada.

Though it took root internationally first; in England, Scotland, and Ireland, rugby is played with enthusiasm in Canada today. It has a reputation for being a rough game, but local rugby clubs have clear commitments to safety, as seen on the Sask Rugby website: “The health and safety of every player across the country is of paramount importance and Rugby Canada strives to ensure a safe playing environment at all levels. It is everyone’s responsibility to ensure that all players are protected by ensuring that the game is played safely.

Check out local rugby leagues! Rugby is an engaging, challenging and fun sport with leagues for men and women. There is most likely a rugby league near you.